Born in Olesa de Montserrat on January 4, 2000. I completed my technology General Certificate of Education. I have always been passionate about video games, and since I was little I have been playing all kinds, like Pokémon Saga when I was a child or more actually like Valorant. During a time of my life I became part of an esports club in which I competed in Counter Strike as a player and I also started with a group of colleagues the development of a multiplayer Minecraft server in which I was in charge of building scenarios and as a "programmer" of minigames. In turn, I also spent a lot of time in cooperative and survival games like Ark Survival Evolved. Also one of my hobbies is playing the guitar, so I studied music and guitar for eight years, at Trinity College London, graduating in grade four of musical theory with distinction and grade two and three with merit.
For this work I have focused more on the user interface part, but even so as a team, I have been touching a bit of everything and we have all been involved in the project. Even so these are the points where I have focused the most:
As a summary of all these months of hard work, in which we have had very stressful moments with crashes and bugs, I can say that I am proud of the video game that we have carried out, since it has served as a way to organize my work time much better and to improve my programming knowledge. Still, I think it has helped us get a better game and work in a more united team.